About Me
I've been taking photos since 6th grade using my father's old Argus C3. In High School, he brought a Nikormat FTn back from Japan with three lenses. That camera and those lenses opened up a whole new world. Later I added a Bronica medium format to shoot weddings on the side.
Until ten years ago, it was almost all art. The science of photography was intuitive. When I went commercial, I used my business experience to apply the science with intentionality. The art of photography exists not for itself, but to serve the business goals of you, the client.
I take pride in following my number one rule for business photos - Everything for a Reason. Angles, lighting, depth-of-field, and lenses are all factored in to meet a client's business goals.
What's not on that list is cost. A corporate photo-shoot might take hours, requiring portable lighting and hours on the computer to refine the photos. A small business shoot does not. A $5M home needs high-level photos for its listing, but the $300K home does not.
Everything for a Reason.
My work.
Virtual Tours
When the goal is to show a business or a place as if you were there, nothing does it better than a virtual tour. Let's be honest. The photographer can make an interior larger or smaller depending on what lens they use. For example, a wide angle lens can make a small interior look cavernous.
A virtual tour consists of 360-degree images that provide spatial orientation to recreate the experience of being there. Connecting these views lets customers walk through your space. Unlike a video, virtual tours are at the customer's control. As always, they're in charge.
Google started virtual tours in 2012, and I was one of the early photographers to be certified. Since then, my 4,563 images have received [popuppress id="289"]. These numbers are less about me, and more of a testament to the value of adding quality photos and virtual tours to your Google Business listing. They improve your Local Search, and engage potential customers.

Take a look below for some examples. Click on the photo so see the Google Virtual Tour pop-up.